Exploring Europe - Our Eu Rail Pass selection and helping you pick the right train pass for your trip
Exploring Europe by Train - We explain our train passes and why we love Eu Rail plus the train systems in Europe are some of the best in the world... learn about more in this post.

Exploring Birmingham - We check out Major Lazer at the O2 Academy
Exploring Birmingham, U.K. - we catch Major Lazer on their European tour... Lean on live!

Exploring London - Travel Photography tips for capturing Big Ben, quickly and cleanly
Exploring London - we explain some tips, tricks for shooting London's Big Ben quickly and cleanly... some example images, and some location ideas. Tips for travel photography!

Exploring Europe - How we get around without SIM cards, Travel Tips and Digital maps
Exploring Europe - How we get around without SIM cards, Travel Tips and Digital maps

Exploring London - Brixton markets and the unique flavors of Pop Brixton
Exploring London - We check out Brixton's markets and the unique Pop Brixton...

MYT State of Mind: Why I travel blog
Meet You There State of Mind - I talk about why I choose to be a travel blogger.

Meet You There featured artist: The Messy Painter
Meet You There featured artist: the Messy Painter ... we're always looking for sharp logos and impressive design which is why we asked the Messy Painter to do a new logo for us!

Exploring Berlin - Photo Walk the Berlin Wall and we explain our Eu Rail train pass
Exploring Berlin - Photo Walk the Berlin Wall and we explain our Eu Rail train pass... why we love Europes train systems and public transportation.

Exploring Prague Nightlife - Prague Burlesque
Exploring Prague Nightlife - Prague Burlesque

Exploring Berlin - Meet You There meets the Mauer Market, Berlin, Germany
Mauer Market - Berlin, Germany ... Meet You There meets the Mauer Market, Berlin, Germany