Exploring Birmingham - We check out Major Lazer at the O2 Academy

Exploring Birmingham -

We check out Major Lazer at the O2 Academy



Words can't describe the amazing time we had at the O2 Academy on Wednesday October 14th catching Major Lazer on their European tour.  Diplo, Walshy Fire and the Lazer girls were ready to party on a Wednesday in brisk Birmingham, U.K. - we stood outside the venue before the doors even opened because this event had a curfew set on it and was also sold out.

The concert goers in the U.K. go hard on a Wednesday - everyone inside the venue was feeling the openers that set the stage for Major Lazer who is commanded by Diplo and their globe trotting song 'Lean On'.  We had a fanstastic time at the O2 Academy in Birmingham, U.K. a venue we have never been to before but heard really good things about. 

The venue was smaller around 3,000 patron capacity giving this show a more intimate feel for us - you could feel the energy from the performers and everything was right in front of our glowing, excited eyes.  Major Lazer is a group I have been following since I've been attending electronic dance music shows back in Columbus, Ohio - they've transformed into a super group with Walshy Fire, and the addition of the Lazer girls - Major Lazer is a full blown performance troop now even considering the amount of dancing Diplo takes part in.  If you have the chance to catch Major Lazer don't sleep on it - they will blow your mind... We paid around 30 euro for these tickets but sometimes you can't put a price on an amazing, unforgettable experience.  Until next time here's some images we took from the show.... ~Meet You There

Francis H. Spontelli III

I am a freelance photographer and blogger based out of Denver, Colorado.  I enjoy exploring the Rocky Mountains, hiking, backpacking and being outside.  Let’s work together! 


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