Exploring Köln, Germany - Photowalk thru Cologne
Exploring Köln, Germany - Photowalk thru Cologne ... Meet you there takes you thru our less than 48 hours in this 2,000 year old German city.

Exploring Coffeeshops in the Netherlands - Our favorite Coffeshops in Haarlem and Amsterdam plus the scoop on cannabis abroad
Exploring Coffeeshops of the Netherlands - Our favorite Coffeeshops in Haarlem and Amsterdam plus the scoop on cannabis abroad... Naturally as travel bloggers we like to take in as much of the local traditions as possible, if pot doesn't interest keep reading to another post...!

MYT Talks Photo Spots in Haarlem and tips for travel photography in the Netherlands
Meet You There drops pins on some of our favorite photography spot in Haarlem and also some tips on shooting safely in the city of Amsterdam

Exploring Haarlem - Trendy thrift shop named Episode
Exploring Haarlem - we find hipster's paradise at the local Episode thrift shop.

Exploring Haarlem - Jopen Brewery
Exploring Haarlem - we check out the brewery inside the church - Jopen Brew! in the Netherlands. Some local beer tips in here as well, happy drinking.

Travel Truths - Culture shock of Traveling Europe
Meet you there talks Travel Truths - the Culture Shock of traveling in a foreign place like Europe.

Exploring Amsterdam - the Van Gogh Museum
We check out the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam - if your an art student or art fanatic this is a must-do for you!

Exploring Amsterdam - the Heineken Experience
Exploring Amsterdam - our favorite experience of the trip? Maybe... We loved the Heineken Experience!

Exploring Amsterdam - the Kat Kabinet
Exploring Amsterdam, the Netherlands - we check out the Kat Kabinet... whether or not it was worth our euros, I love cats!

Timelapse: Packing our lives into one pack
We made two separate time lapse videos showing how we use packing cubes and prepare to live life on the road for one year out of one bag. This was not an easy task. Coming soon we will have our packing lists about what's inside each bag.