Exploring Amsterdam - the Kat Kabinet
Exploring Amsterdam - the Kat Kabinet aka KattenKabinet
For all the cat lovers in the world there is a place in Amsterdam that is designed just for you: the kitten cabinet. Just for you feline freaks there is a neat, cozy house located in the canal district that you must visit. We spent one of our mornings in Amsterdam City walking to and exploring the cat house.

I wouldn't set your expectations too high for the cat house as its really only a floor of the wildest, goofiest, cat art you have ever seen. Although after walking around viewing the space for awhile - Emily was able to find a Picasso sketch and a Rembrandt sketch among the great collection of cat themed art pieces. I can say that a concept and place like this will only continue to grow as the cat community is a huge. If your in Amsterdam and need a good laugh whether you like cats or not we think the 7€ was totally worth it. Plan another activity for your day - like the Heineken experience for the afternoon / evening... this was one of our favorite activities our entire time in Amsterdam city. Post coming soon: the Heineken Experience... thanks reading and traveling along with us, it's been exciting to see new people engaged on the blog posts. Have questions please feel free to comment below!! We love answering questions about travel, destinations, gear and more. ~MYT
“There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.”