Exploring Belgium - Meet You There hits the road
Reporting in from overseas - Meet You There talks travel, explains how jet-lag sucks and we explore Belgium!

MYT Gear Insight - Why Sony's Alpha series camera is made for the traveler
MYT gear insight - Why the Sony Alpha series cameras are meant for the traveler and built for the road.

Meet You There Prepares to Leave - Now What? Life in Limbo
We prepare ourselves for the trip ahead, and keep asking - now what? Life in Limbo.

Exploring Ohio - Photo Walk thru Cleveland's Metroparks
Exploring Ohio - we took a number of gorgeous images during our stay in Cleveland, Ohio... here's just a sampling and more coming soon! Stay connected with us on IG: @meet_youthere

Exploring Ohio - Chagrin Falls Must Dos
We explore Chagrin Falls, Northeast Ohio - some must eats: Dave's Cosmic Subs, Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream and the Popcorn Shop.

Exploring Ohio - Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Photo Roundup
Exploring Ohio - we check out the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame - Emily's photo roundup!

Exploring Ohio - Creek hike to Squaw Rock, Cleveland's Beautiful Metroparks
Exploring Ohio - Cleveland's Metroparks, Cleveland, Ohio. We check out the famous Squaw Rock carved in 1885 out of stone next to the Chagrin River.

Travel Tunes - Episode #7
Travel Tunes Episode #7 bringin' the funk with Cherub Music and Exmag.

Exploring Denver - the Denver Botanic Gardens
Exploring: the Denver botanic gardens! MYT captures the beauty of the gardens located in Denver, Colorado.

Exploring Denver - Avantis: a modernized FoodTruckeria
Exploring Denver, Colorado - Avantis a modern foodtruckeria