Exploring Belgium - Meet You There hits the road

Exploring Belgium - Meet You There hits the road >> JFK >> Dublin >> Belgium

After a splendid weekend spent on Long Island and New York City (post coming soon) - we've finally shipped off to Brussels, Belgium to begin our Europe tour one.  Oh man does jet lag suck - but we're riding out the first day (as instructed from other experienced travelers) as we were told that going to sleep during the day time is a sure way to confuse your body even more.  Nailing your sleep cycle when you get to a new place can be tough but its essential to sleep properly to avoid colds, and other illness that can come along with becoming sleep deprived.  We arrived to Dublin, Ireland very early in the morning around 5AM to board our final leg of travel from Dublin to Brussels, Belgium. 

We took a cab to our first Air BnB (which is just outstanding see the view above) and took a short cat nap to give us some energy to navigate the foreign streets of Brussels.  We set out this afternoon in a few different directions to try and grasp a better understanding of the surrounding area - plenty of grocery stores, small delis & cafes and an assortment of bars and restaurants.  We're not in the downtown Brussels instead we're staying in the town of Schaarbeek, Belgium which we've fallen in love with immediately as every turning corner is the iconic European street with fancy duplex and apartments rising well above the tree line. 

emily wanders the streets of brussles belgium

We set out on three separate trips: first for lunch, the second for a small grocery run and then the third we wanted to check out the SIM card options and the nearby park.  Jubel Park also known as Cinquantenaire is one of this areas most popular and attractive tourist stops.  The Cinquantenaire hosts some of the areas best military and art museums as well as large lawn space, garden areas and the surrounding streets are filled with shopping, cafes and pharmacies.  After spending some time and snapping photos at Jubel Park we headed back to our beautiful Air BnB located about fifteen minutes away. 

Cinquantenaire images create for meet you there travel blog

Totally exhausted and worn out from a long travel day we’re ready to wind down to some dinner and a relaxing evening as we welcome the next day here in Belgium.  We will be sure to write as often as we can or follow us on instagram: @Meet_youthere we’re able to update our IG almost anywhere.  Thanks for following us and thanks for reading along as we carry this journey on our backs – it means the world knowing people are reading our adventures and maybe being motivate to go travel themselves.  We’re ready for another day of adventure and the first one isn’t even over yet – we’re excited for whats to come. 

meet you there travel blog images of belgium

Until next time... Meet You there!

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