Exploring New Zealand - My destination hit-list for my second trip to NZ
Exploring New Zealand - My destination hit-list for my second trip to NZ... In fact, we haven't even left New Zealand yet and I'm already starting to plan out the second trip to this magical place.

Travel Blog tips - How to use your travel blog as a professional tool
Let me preface this post by saying you won't get rich instantly from paid blogging gigs, or from starting a travel blog - but this could help you to keep traveling further or even help you pocket some extra travel cash.

Exploring New Zealand - How I would travel New Zealand differently on my second trip
Exploring New Zealand - How I would travel New Zealand differently on my second trip

Traveling State of Mind - Five life lessons learned while traveling the world for 8 months
Traveling State of Mind - Five life lessons learned while traveling the world for 8 months

Exploring New Zealand - Five of our favorite locations for epic-adventure photography on the South Island (Part 1)
Exploring New Zealand - Five of our favorite locations for epic-adventure photography on the South Island (Part 1)

Where to Stay Sundays - MYT Reviews places to stay in Krabi Town, Thailand
Where to Stay Sundays - MYT Reviews places to stay in Krabi Town, Thailand

Flash back Fridays - Exploring Amsterdam, the Netherlands ...why Amsterdam is more than just coffee shops
Flash back Fridays - Exploring Amsterdam, the Netherlands...why Amsterdam is more than just coffeeshops

Exploring New Zealand - Road Trip Number Two: Lake Wanaka, Mt. Cook National Park and Hooker Valley
Exploring New Zealand - Road Trip Number Two: Lake Wanaka, Mt. Cook National Park and Hooker Valley

The Tastes of Queenstown - MYT Picks our favorite spots for food from Queenstown, New Zealand
The Tastes of Queenstown - MYT Picks our favorite spots for food from Queenstown, New Zealand

Thirsty Thursdays - Our favorite beach bar from Bali, Indonesia: Potato Head Beach Club
Thirsty Thursdays - Our favorite beach bar from Bali, Indonesia: Potato Head Beach Club