Exploring New Zealand - Five of our favorite locations for epic-adventure photography on the South Island (Part 1)
Exploring New Zealand -
Five of our favorite locations for epic-adventure photography on the South Island (Part 1)
New Zealand is profoundly epic to visit – I’m not sure how many times I can fit epic, epic, epic into one sentence to describe how beautiful a place like this has been for us to visit. So much of our trip lead up to this time spent here in New Zealand (mostly on the south island) and now as it’s slowly ticking down – I can easily say I will be back and I’m not ready to go yet. Around every bend of each road trip you take – breath taking views captivate you, force you to pull over and snap, snap away on the phone and digital camera (do so cautiously as we see many people pulling over in inappropriate places). A dream of mine would be to come visit a second time and rent a camper van for a couple of weeks and do nothing but spend time on the open road, experiencing camp sites, wide open adventures and much more. We’ve seen a lot in just four short weeks (time seems to fly here even with 14 hour days, with the sun setting around 9pm) so I am going to put together a short compilation list of a few of my favorite photography spots thus far. We’ve been south to the Catlins National Park and Curio Bay – we’ve gone west to the Fiordlands and northwest up to Lake Wanaka, Mt. Aspiring and Mt. Cook National Park. Picking a favorite area I would say the Lake Wanaka is outstanding for photography and the surrounding areas like Mt. Cook and Mt. Aspiring make it difficult to take a bad image in these places. Here's a shortlist of what I believe to be some of the most epic places for adventure photography on the South Island. Alright now onto some images…
Location 1: Nugget Point (seen above) and Catlin's National Park plus the waterfalls seen below
Location 2: the Fiordlands, Milford Sound and Milford Highway
Location 3: Mt. Cook National Park and the Hooker Valley Track
Location 4: Lake Wanaka and Mt. Aspiring National Park, Rob Roy Glacier Track
Location 5: Tunnel Beach, Dunedin, New Zealand
There are probably more epic places but as soon as I walked up and out to Tunnel Beach here in Dunedin - I was so blown away by this gem of a photography spot hiding here in Dunedin. My sister has taken me to see some epic views and wonderful spots here in Dunners but nothing has really stuck out to me like Tunnel Beach. If you love astrophotography, sunsets and sunrises and are staying near Dunedin - put Tunnel beach on your must-shoot list... this is one of my favorite spots in all of New Zealand so far.
Thanks for reading... we're off on another adventure to Christchurch for a few days, so stay tuned for more blog posts when we get settled back from that trip! ~MYT