MYT Reviews: Air BnB VS. Hostels
Meet You There reviews Air BnBs vs Hostels. Travelling for cheap with Air BnB

The Tastes of Belgium and Beyond
The tastes of Belgium and Beyond. Meet you there loves a good meal - check out the foods we tried in Belgium.

Exploring Belgium - MYT Day Trip to Brugge and Knokke Beach (the North Shore)
We're in Belgium!! Meet You There checks out the ancient town of Brugge and the north sea in the town of Knokke, Belgium. Read and check out our photography.

Exploring Long Island - Photo Walk thru Kontokosta Winery
Exploring Long Island - Photo Walk thru Kontokosta Winery

Exploring New York City - Labor Day weekend in the Big City
MYT explores the BIG CITY! We head into New York City for the day and wander around the street and central park!

Exploring Belgium - MYT checks out eat! Brussels event and gets lost in Schaerbeek
We wandered the streets of Brussels and explored food festival - eat! Brussels and sampled cuisine from around the world.

Exploring Belgium - Meet You There hits the road
Reporting in from overseas - Meet You There talks travel, explains how jet-lag sucks and we explore Belgium!

MYT Gear Insight - Why Sony's Alpha series camera is made for the traveler
MYT gear insight - Why the Sony Alpha series cameras are meant for the traveler and built for the road.

Meet You There Prepares to Leave - Now What? Life in Limbo
We prepare ourselves for the trip ahead, and keep asking - now what? Life in Limbo.

Exploring Ohio - Photo Walk thru Cleveland's Metroparks
Exploring Ohio - we took a number of gorgeous images during our stay in Cleveland, Ohio... here's just a sampling and more coming soon! Stay connected with us on IG: @meet_youthere