MYT State of Mind - Trading in a passport and backpack for a coffee mug and 9-5 job
MYT State of Mind - Trading in a passport and backpack for a coffee mug and 9-5 job

MYT State of Mind - Mixed Feelings as our trip comes to an end and and we go back to the States
MYT State of Mind - Mixed Feelings, as our trip comes to an end and we go back to the States

Traveling State of Mind - Five life lessons learned while traveling the world for 8 months
Traveling State of Mind - Five life lessons learned while traveling the world for 8 months

Exploring Asia - Settling into Thailand, throw your worries in the sand
Exploring Asia - Settling into Thailand, throw your worries in the sand and your cares into the crystal blue waters...

Meet You There Prepares to Leave - Now What? Life in Limbo
We prepare ourselves for the trip ahead, and keep asking - now what? Life in Limbo.