MYT State of Mind - Mixed Feelings as our trip comes to an end and and we go back to the States
MYT State of Mind - Mixed Feelings as our trip comes to an end and Back to the States we go
I have incredibly mixed feelings about returning to the United States after only 8 months of traveling. To say I saw the 'world' would be a complete understatement but we certainly saw a glimpse of this amazing, incredible planet that we live on. I think it's important for everyone to get out and travel - get out and experience a country different than your own, it broadens your perspective on the world and even helps appreciate where your from. Traveling teaches you a lot about yourself, what you consider comfortable and what you consider uncomfortable - it's taught me to appreciate the small things in life...
“enjoy the moments not the things...”
Why are my feelings mixed about returning to the states..? While the U.S. is a remarkable place to live it's filled with downsides - even while being out on the road sometimes I didn't even want to associate myself with America. Typically were most notorious for our gun violence, President Obama (although some in Asia still thought it was George Bush) and our outrageously gluttonous eating habits. But I guess that's home and that's where we're from and most comfortable which is important as we move into different stage of life. Maybe my feelings are so mixed because I continually find myself applying for jobs that I'm just not very enthusiastic about - maybe my feelings are mixed because social norms are pressuring me to return home. I saw and experienced many things out on our travel ventures that were NOT socially normal but maybes it's all just a state of mind. I'm motivated to return but maybe what motivates me is the possibility of making money to go travel again. The adventures will never fully be over for MEETYOUTHERE we will always look to our next trip, weekend travels and boundless journeys.
At the same time I've missed the United States - land of the free, especially our simple little lives we left behind in Vail, Colorado. Colorado is a unique place perhaps one of the best places I've ever experienced on this entire planet - the friendly people, the cannabis freedom and easy going lifestyle... these are things I've truly missed about America. We're ready to return and spend time with friends and family as we rebuild life and start a new journey to Denver, Colorado - we're excited for normalcy and routine. I can admit that my heart lives out on the open road but having a place to call home is an incredibly important humanistic want and necessity. Continue to stay tuned into the blog I will be trying my hardest to keep updating this space with fresh and new content, more guest writers and flash back content from all the amazing places we have already visit. Stay tuned for things like: a travel podcast? a section specifically dedicated to cannabis tourism in Europe and the world? an elaborate section about all the places we have stay and food we've enjoyed? and tips on how to grow your own blog... Thanks for following us on this incredible trip we've loved hearing from friends, family and bumping into other travelers along the way - maybe someday soon we will meet you there... ~Frankie of MYT
Stay tuned into our Instagram @meet_youthere for 6 glorious days in San Fran, California!! Before returning to Ohio then back out to Denver...