Thirsty Thursdays - The BEST beach bar on all of Koh Phi Phi for a wildly entertaining night

Thirsty Thursdays - The BEST beach bar
on all of Koh Phi Phi for a wildly entertaining night

Ahh... beautiful Koh Phi Phi, those blue waters you can see through, that perfect white sand underneath your toes, colorful long tail boats cover the beaches day and night plus all those smiling Thai people waving as you walk by politely asking "You wanna massage...?!?".  We loved Koh Phi Phi, although I've read many mixed reviews it was the perfect getaway for us (we are 26 and 27 years old) Emily is a beach lover and I couldn't stop taking photos of this beautiful island in Thailand.  We aren't raging alcoholics or party-fiends (many people that visit Koh Phi Phi seem to be) so at first this island can feel a bit overwhelming but just make yourself at home and you'll fit right in.  We enjoyed experiencing Koh Phi Phi's nightlife - we didn't partake in walking around barefoot drinking straight vodka from small sand buckets, we strolled around with Singha in hand wondering what were going to see each night we went out.  We became very partial to a bar titled STONES Bar and Hostel (Koh Phi Phi) as this place supplied us with ample entertainment night after night.  Or check out this link here to find out where Stones Bar is located on Koh Phi Phi and how to book a dorm at Stones Dorms - keep reading below...

Stones Bar and Dorm is HIGHly entertaining for a number of reasons: plenty of drunk people-watching to be had, 6-year-olds spinning fire, some nice listening beach side as you watch the stars come out, comfy cushions laid out on the beach with servers who come around taking your drink order, even offering you hookah or hey! if you smoke we have joints too (we definitely took part in buying a couple of FAT joints from this bar).  Maybe that's why we enjoyed this part of Koh Phi Phi so much, high energy, non stop partying all night long and the opportunity to smoke some Thai stick and sip on an ice cold Singha while fire was casually tossed over the entire crowd.  The night continues to get more entertaining as the fire-spinning squad invites members of the inebriated crowd onto the stage area to dance and jump underneath their flaming jump-rope - we saw many drunks get slapped in the legs by this giant flaming jump rope.  If you make it out of the jump rope alive - a confident 6-8 year old runs up to you with a bottle of rum congratulating you with a victory shot.  If you're really feeling crazy they have someone sit down with a cigarette in their mouth and slowly spin the fire toward the cigg lighting it from the flames of the spinning fire wands. 

To some travelers this could get old night after night but we seemed to be drawn back to the 'Party Beaches' almost every night - it was fun to us, entertaining and we felt like some of the other participants at these bars might have been our age (or maybe 10 years younger).  Koh Phi Phi is kind of like the Cancun for Australians - this is their party mecca, their haven from the real world and a place where many of them vacation to do a few things: get extremely drunk, pass out in the gorgeous Thai sunshine and wake the next day to do it all again.  While your on the party beach side of the island be sure to walk down the coastline towards Ibiza House and Slinky bar - both of these spots will have a similar vibe just like Stones bar: plenty of booze, plenty of parties, plenty of fire spinning and lots of energy.  Another cool spot to check out while on Koh Phi Phi, Thailand is the Banana Roof top bar located more in the center of town - serving up cold drinks, awesome views looking out over the entire town on KPP and also if you're lucky you can score some joints here as well (ask the bar tender) but we would recommend waiting for the night life to kick off at Stones (the joints are fatter and it's a better time).  Hope you enjoyed reading this edition of Thirsty Thursdays from Koh Phi Phi, Thailand - stay tuned for more writing this week and next... ~MYT