Exploring Belgium - MYT checks out eat! Brussels event and gets lost in Schaerbeek

Exploring Belgium -
MYT checks out eat! Brussels event and gets lost in Schaerbeek

eat brussels event by meet you there images by frankieboy photography

Yesterday was a true European exploration day for Meet You There – we heard about a food event called eat! Brussels thru popular Belgium Instagram account @visitbrussels and knew we had to check it out.  We love food festivals and markets’ so experiencing something like this in Brussels was certain to be a real treat for us.  We decided to walk although daily bike rentals only cost about €1.60 we wanted to see each and every corner of these beautiful streets with our own two eyes.  It’s also very important to learn your way around foreign towns and also get lost a little while your at it – keeping your safety as a top priority at all times (the second you feel uneasy start wandering towards well lit areas and call for a cab). 

gyoze from beijin china images for meet you there travel blog

The eat! Brussels event was just kicking off as we got there – following about a two mile walk into downtown BRU.  We passed thru various food booths from all over the world each tent representing different regions – we exchanged some euros for tokens and enjoyed some Gyoza from one of the food stands from Bejing, China.  Sipping on some select wines from the Bordeaux area we kept exploring every end of the eat! Brussels festival while also peeking outside the Parc de Brussels at some of the fantastically ancient Belgium buildings and palaces that surrounded the park. 

After filling our bellies at the eat! Brussels event and stashing away some tokens for another day to revisit this food festival – we left the central Parc de Brussels and headed to peek at some of the surrounding architecture and art museums.  The Bozar art museum offered some really interesting fashion exhibits and photography as well – the entrance of the museum was free but you had to pay for tickets to see each exhibit independently.  We passed on paying for anything else and just took in what we could see for free – which was plenty in my opinion as some of the art was very abstract/fashion based and didn’t peak my interests enough to pay (except for the photography exhibit). 

We watched the sun set in the center of Brussels and decided we make an attempt to walk back home before it got too dark.. Here’s where our day got more than interesting - navigating in a foreign city where not many people speak English can be a true test of your ability to direct yourself.  Many of the Belgian streets look alike making it tough to find your way back especially as the night creeps in – we walked and walked until we were very unsure about where we were.  As soon as we felt like we didn’t have control of our directions we made the executive decision to get our asses in a cab to avoid wandering into sketchy, unsafe areas of Belgium.  Always look over your back – people notice when your looking at your phone trying to read a map or when you walk completely around a round about its pretty obvious that you might be lost.  After our valiant walking efforts the cab ride was still about 20mins long and cost us 12 – wherever we had wandered wasn’t the right direction we were both relieved to be in the cab and back to the doorstep of our Air BnB after another exciting day in Belgium.

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