Calling ALL Photographers & Photo editors!! Supporting the 'Nail the Edit' FFA editing competition

Calling ALL Photographers & Photo editors!! Enter the
'Nail the Edit' FFA editing competition

Goblin Valley SP Winta Moon (1 of 1).jpg

What is an FFA editing competition?

How does it work and more information

Hey guys, for today’s blog post I will be talking about the Nail The Edit free-for-all editing competition that I have been announcing and talking about on Instagram. This post is for people that don’t know what an FFA competition is… for starters, FFA stands for “free-for-all”. To keep this blog post relatively short and sweet this is what a free for all editing competition entails (also check out the #NailtheEditFFA hashtag to see examples of enteries): I have teamed up with 19 other photographers who have submit their unedited raw and JPEG files to a Google Drive. This is your chance to edit the .RAW files from a handful of extremely talented photographers with access to some sweet prizes. Download the files from the G-drive, follow the competition instructions (tag the correct hashtag and sponsors, see below) and edit away! We have teamed up with some really great sponsors for this competition like Art of Visuals, Tamron USA camera lenses, Pro Master photography gear and also Arctic zone coolers. The prizes are in place and will be awarded to the best / more creative image edits voted on by all the photographers involved in the competition.  If you are stuck at home and want to edit some new photography and win some sweet prizes definitely check out our editing competition there’s nothing to lose and you could even win a takeover on the Art of Visuals story a page with over 2 million followers… or a camera lens from Tamron USA… or a $400 photography bundle from ProMasterPhoto (tripod, backpack and memory card) and also a cooler perfect for camping season provided by Arctic Zone. 

Thank-you to all sponsors involved in our editing competition:

Tamron USA | Art of Visuals | Pro Master Photo | Arctic Zone Coolers




Rules & Info
-Download Photos (RAW for Desktop/ JPEG for Mobile)
-Edit the photos as you like
-Tag the photographer in your caption (if you use my images tag @FR33WATER )
-Use the hashtag #NailTheEditFFA in your caption
-Edit and share as many as you like to you Instagram
-To be eligible for prizes you must follow & tag the photographer you edited, and follow the sponsors: Tamron USA | Art of Visuals | Pro Master Photo | Arctic Zone Coolers

-Contest ends May 31st at 11:59 EST

When you fall in love with the process rather than the product, you don’t have to wait to give yourself permission to be happy. You can be satisfied anytime your system is running
— James Clear


Are composites OK? Yes, The competition is open for any and all artistic freedom and creativity however I think it is important to leave some of the original image so that the original photographer can be recognized along with your creative edit.

Can anyone enter? Yes, anyone can enter and you can edit using pretty much any program out there… Also there are approximately 160 RAW files - so the possibilities are endless and you can enter quite a few times. However be sure to tag the competition and the sponsors involved on all your edits. 

How many times can I enter? Edit and share as many as you would like. Tag #NailtheeditFFA each time

Be respectful..!! Do not steal any of the photographers images in the folder and use them or try to print them for your own financial or professional growth purposes. Please be respectful of all photographers and creative’s that have kindly offered up their hard work to give you an opportunity to win sweet prizes. Always tag the photographer who’s image you are editing and in the caption mentioned that it is for a free-for-all editing competition, this really helps all of us grow in the end. 

Good luck and get to editing! If you have any questions leave me a comment below the blog blog post or send me a DM on Instagram.

Clavin epic view (1 of 1).jpg

Good luck and I look forward to seeing your edits on my images… be sure to tag me @FR33WATER and also #NailtheeditFFA plus all sponsors for a chance to win. Until next time, keep creating out there and be free.
