IG Reels Explained and Expanded Part I: The National Geographic Story

The Nat Geo. Reel That Went Viral and the Story Behind It

Why would I write a blog? Sounds so stupid to me...
— Me, in the past

Recently, one of my Instagram reels went viral. In it, I share a story I never thought I’d be telling: how National Geographic licensed one of my photos—not because of my social media presence, but because of a blog post I wrote about Conundrum Hot Springs back in 2020. Here’s the link to that original blog post: Backpacking Trail Review: Conundrum Hot Springs.

Let’s unpack this story and why blogging has been a game-changer for my photography career.

Why Blogging Matters for Photographers - Blogging Permeates Beyond Social Media

As photographers, we spend so much time on Instagram, hoping for that “big break.” But the truth is, social media is crowded. Talented photographers post stunning images daily, making it harder to stand out. That’s where blogging comes in. A well-written blog post has longevity. Social media posts disappear in the feed within hours, but blogs are searchable and evergreen. My Conundrum Hot Springs post still gets traffic four years later—and ultimately, that’s how National Geographic found me. They were searching the web (not Instagram) for images and stories from Conundrum Hot Springs, luckily and thankfully we had visited here a few years ago and I spent time crafting a blog post about our adventure. Often times as I am writing my blogs, I’ll say something to myself like “No one is going to read this… why am I even doing this?” Little did I know that Nat. Geo. would find that VERY blog post and reach out to license a few images from that adventure for their upcoming book about the best trail runs around the world.

How Blogging Has Helped Me Get Noticed Time and Time Again

Over the years, blogging has opened doors I didn’t know existed:

  • Licensing Opportunities: Like the Nat Geo story and long-standing relationships with tourism boards like Visit Colorado and Visit Alamosa.

  • Collaboration Requests: Brands have approached me for partnerships after reading my blogs.

  • SEO Boost: With even a basic understanding of SEO, your blogs can rank on Google, putting your work in front of people actively searching for your niche.

How You Can Start Blogging as a Photographer

You don’t need to be a writer to create impactful blogs. Here’s what worked for me:

  • Choose Adventure or Story-Driven Topics: Share unique experiences, like visiting lesser-known trails or behind-the-scenes insights.

  • Learn Basic SEO: Keywords like “Conundrum Hot Springs backpacking guide” helped my post get discovered.

  • Stay Consistent: Like photography, blogging takes time to build momentum.

Resources to Help You Blog Better

I cover blogging basics in my free guide and dive deeper into strategies for photographers in my upcoming advanced course set to launch on Friday 12/13. These resources teach you:

  • How to create content that ranks on Google.

  • How to use blogging to complement your photography portfolio.

  • How to stand out in an oversaturated social media landscape.

The Power of Trying Different Things

When I started my blog, I wasn’t sure anyone would read it. I wrote it because I love sharing my adventures and inspiring others to explore the outdoors. Little did I know it would lead to opportunities like working with Nat Geo, Outside Magazine, and multiple gigs with tourism boards.

My advice? Be curious. Try different things. Blogging might just be the tool you need to break through the noise and take your photography career to new heights. Questions? Drop me some questions below and I’d love to answer them in a future blog post, see you out on the trails.
-Frankie @fr33water

Here’s the Instagram Reel we’re referencing in this blog post:

Francis H. Spontelli III

I am a freelance photographer and blogger based out of Denver, Colorado.  I enjoy exploring the Rocky Mountains, hiking, backpacking and being outside.  Let’s work together! 


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