Keep Colorado Beautiful, Trail Clean Up Event (Lookout Mountain Park)

Keep Colorado Beautiful, Trail Clean-Up Event

(Lookout Mountain Park)

Friday, Oct. 2nd, 2020

From 1pm - 4pm

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Hey guys! Quick blog post to talk about the upcoming trail clean up I am hosting this Friday, October 2nd from 1pm - 4pm

If you use the trails in Colorado it’s time to take a moment to give back to our beautiful state… please come join to clean up an area that gets “too much love” and is constantly trashed by both locals and visitors: Lookout Mountain Park. This will be the first clean up (of hopefully many) but I am eagerly trying to give back to the trails that I am constantly out using and photographing… in my opinion, people have been itching to get outside and the trails are starting to take a serious impact. Over-populated, packed trails are a good thing as long as everyone is packing all their trash out and sometimes that is not always the case. We’re taking initiative this coming Friday, October 2nd from 1pm - 4pm to clean up a place that I love to visit to capture sunset and sunrise photos: Lookout Mountain, Golden, Colorado … as much as I love capturing photos up here I’ve seen tons of trash, broken glass, smashed joint tubes and serious impact from humans abusing this area (including graffiti all over the rocks near a really scenic look out). Please come support me at this clean up, it would mean the world to me and even more to our planet

Hope to see you there,
-Frankie Fr33Water

Here’s a map of where the cleanup will start:
Lookout Mountain Park
987 Lookout Mountain Rd, Golden, CO 80401

(Please electronically fill out the form below or PRINT the volunteer waiver to bring with you for tomorrow)

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*If you plan to attend the clean up event, please fill this form out electrionically and email it to me at:

F.SPONTELLI22@GMAIL.COM or PRINT this form and bring it with you to the trail clean up event.

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Francis H. Spontelli III

I am a freelance photographer and blogger based out of Denver, Colorado.  I enjoy exploring the Rocky Mountains, hiking, backpacking and being outside.  Let’s work together!

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