Instagram Talk: Why are you on platforms like Instagram?

Instagram Talk:
Why are you on platforms like Instagram?

The biggest risk is not taking any risk... in a world that is changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.
— Mark Zuckerberg

From today’s Instagram post: Some people live on Instagram just to consume content and play the comparison game... I track back further to using the app for social networking and creative collaborating purposes. In my opinion, this isn't merely a place to consume and scroll endlessly for hours - it's a place to connect, network, and an opportunity to reach out to anyone. I've been able to connect with and meet some of the most genuine, kind-hearted people through this app and you can to... just reach out to someone (don't overthink it). One of those peeps is my new friend Athena @_theenbean ...she wasn't afraid to meet a complete stranger at the trailhead at 330am to catch a sunrise and clock some serious miles on the trail. She's one of the reasons why I'm so inspired by the youth of our nation and the youth of the world... inspired to rise up and driven to reach goals. Our social media apps cannot just be used for consumption and comparison... instead, try to reach out and lift each other up.

My friend En Athena P En Bean (1 of 1).jpg

My bigger message here is that you should really STOP and take a look at the WHY you’re on apps like Instagram and Facebook - many people believe they are using the apps positively and drawing inspiration from these platforms however, even in my own life I’ve seen social media have a nasty impact on some people’s lives. Living in a constant state of jealousy or envy because of what you’re seeing on Instagram is one of the most destructive components of the app (truly if you understand it better these ‘People’ ‘Influencers’ have worked their asses off to get where they are at) often what you see on the app is the pretty stuff. It’s hard work, it’s challenging at times and it’s important to ask yourself “Why am I on social media” “Is this good for me and my mental health” and “Am I using this app in ways to inspire me or is it bringing me down.”? Below I put together a short list of (in my opinion) some good or positive social media habits and also some habits that I personally think are destructive and may be time to put yourself ‘in check’ about how much time and energy your putting into certain social media apps. I know people that don’t have screen time limiters on their apps and can easily spend eight hours scrolling mindlessly - that kills me a bit… there’s a lot more you can be doing for the world other than just scrolling the gram. You might even feel better about yourself and your screen time if you put positive energy into connecting with the people that follow you and constantly interact with you.. you never know who you may meet and what those opportunities could lead to.

Good Social Media Habits:

  • Connecting with others

  • Being inspired by others work and letting them know “Yo this is so rad!”

  • Connecting with your audience and going deeper, to make friends with those people

  • Meeting up and hiking with people you meet through this social NETWORKING app

  • Inspiring others to get outside and hike, create and explore

  • Finding inspiration to (responsibly) visit and explore new places/locations

  • Generating creative ideas and following people/accounts that’s truly inspire you

Bad Social Media Habits:

  • Endless, mindless scrolling

  • Playing the ‘Comparison’ game

  • Looking at people’s work and saying “I could do that better”

  • Thinking you know people based on what you see on their social media profile

  • Thinking that what you see on Instagram… is real life (it’s not)

  • Needing to do something because you “saw it on Instagram”

  • Wasting time on the app, not connecting with others and living in a constant state of jealousy

  • Following accounts that make you feel jealous or like your life isn’t good enough

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I know that not everyone is using social media for negative purposes / reasons but if you’re looking to accomplish more, set higher goals and make some serious change during this downtime I believe it’s really important to limit or focus the time you spend on social media to be a constructive and positive habit. Also, remember that other people might be having a tough time and turn to social media to connect with others… if someone is reaching out to you, be polite and respectful and give others the time of day right now. Have empathy towards those who may be feeling ‘a bit lonely’ or ‘socially distant’ and check in with friends and family who may be looking for some connection even if that’s just a message on IG or a 10-minute FaceTime call… that might really brighten someone’s day.



From my Instagram post on Tuesday, May 19, 2020… Living in the past can be a real mind-trap and now, more than ever it's important to focus on the future. Today I'm reaching out and sending some positive vibes to you guys - I hope you're all doing okay out there. These are uncertain times but don't forget what humans do best - come together to overcome. After going on a recent camp trip with a small group of friends I can honestly say that I miss that human connection... so whether you have a mask on (or not) try to smile at someone today, say hello, hold a door open, help your neighbor, donate some food or clothes maybe just smile with your eyes. The more kindness we put into the world the better off we will all be, no matter how challenging things get. Spreading positivity and good vibes and hope you are all doing more than Okay 👌🏽

Be kind to one another, whether that’s on social media or when you see your neighbor outside… put down your phone, say hello and smile at one other. Alright gang, until next time thank you so much for all the support lately… coming soon a new podcast and more blogs! Plus we passed 12.9k on Instagram (woot woot) and really excited to see everyone’s entries for the #nailtheeditFFA editing competition.

My friend En Athena P En Bean (5 of 1).jpg
Genuine kindness is the ultimate strength... and when I see it I always lean into that person.
— Gary Vee

Thank you for reading and until next time…. be well out there!

Check out my Instagram page here:

Check out Athena’s Instagram page here:

Check out my full photography portfolio:

Contact me if you want to collaborate, work together on a project, link up for a hike or are interested in booking me for photoshoots: or DM me on Instagram.