Meet You There - Where will the open road take us next, adventures on the horizon
Meet You There - Where will the open road take us next, adventures on the horizon
While we begin rebuilding our lives during our move back to Denver, Colorado we look ahead to getting settled and creating a fulfilling life in a new home. Although one trip has come to an end, we’re constantly looking to the future to plan more trips. We have lots of adventures on the horizon – Colorado is a massive place we thought we explored the majority of this beautiful state when in actuality we have lots to see and do still. Including: Rocky Mountain National Park, Steamboat Springs, numerous 14er hikes and more posts from Denver. Out of state we are looking to visit: Yosemite National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Zion, Banff Canada, Jackson Hole and revisits to Lake Havasu and maybe Lake Powell.
“Any suggestions on where we should visit? We’re always looking for ideas on new places to adventure – please feel free to leave some of your favorite parks in our comments section below…”
I am going to strive to keep posting at least twice a week or at least spreading the blog love, editing the page and keeping the site looking fresh, clean and exciting. Certain sections will grow into bigger parts of the blog – like a section on cannabis culture considering all the places we have visit I thought it would be helpful to help people responsible, respectfully enjoy cannabis in all the foreign places like we did. We plan to expand the food-blog portion of our blog, getting deeper into restaurant reviews and spotlights on various eateries in and around Denver, Colorado (since that is the future home of Meet You There). If I get settled in faster than I hope – I want to design and record a podcast about traveling, tips and what it was like to live out of a backpack for 8 months trekking thru foreign places. There’s a pod cast I’m really hooked on right now called: Tim Ferris (click here to check out his blog and podcasts) since I spend so much time traveling, driving I found that podcasts can be a phenomenal way to realign your creative juices, gain valuable insight and learn while on the go. I strongly believe it’s so important to always be learning and by just listening to something slightly more stimulating than Justin Bieber could do a lot of good – especially if you have a long car ride or an entire day to spend at the air port. Although this Meet You There project is merely freelance for the time being, it’s been a very positive release of my creative energy and I will try my very hardest to keep up with it, it keeps pushing me to adventure more, stay up later, photograph more stars and never stop exploring. Thanks for reading and for staying tuned with our travel blog from the start… means the world to us ~MYT
PS. Oh yeah... we're working on a newsletter too! TBA soon...