Exploring the World - MYT breaks down our Best-Of from our world trip (Part 1)

Exploring the World - Meet You There breaks down our
Best-Of from our world trip (Part 1)

Now that we have returned back to the states we've been catching up with friends and family all over the U.S. - it's been exciting to share stories of our travels.  We're constantly asked a common question "Where was your favorite place..?" or "Which country was your favorite..?" and this is by far the most difficult question to answer.  Not just one place or country was our favorite but the culmination of the entire experience is really what made us enjoy our time on the road.  Nonetheless I've still had to come up with an answer this ever-popular question about what has been my favorite place, country or memory.  I'm going to break down some of my 'favorites' -- the memories are countless and sometimes better shared in person or over time they will make it onto the blog.  Below you'll find images and lists of some of my favorite countries.. these lists are according to one half of meet you there, I'm sure Em has a different set of favorites.

Let's start with Europe - since that's where our trip began, we loved all the different foods, flavors and history that lived around every twisty turny European street.  For me there are three places that really stood out and excite me to want to return in the future, or tell others go explore - the three places are as follows:

  1. Prague, Czech Republic (pictured just above) - our street market post can be seen by clicking here!
  2. Barcelona, Spain (sunrise pictured just below) - we check out Spain's exciting cannabis culture click here!
  3. Brixton, U.K. - BRIXTON POP! A must - visit if you're heading to the U.K. - click here!

By far the best way to get around Europe was by train - our train pass was amazing and took us to many different exciting places in just over 60 days.  We HIGHLY recommend saving up some extra travel cash for a train pass if you're planning to do Europe for a few weeks. 

Now I'll cover three places in Asia, that really took my breath away both in appearance and flavor - because food is so important when your traveling.  Food is great gauge on whether or not a place is a must-vist or not - honestly, the cuisine in a region will dictate if you decide to come back to certain country or not (it really will!).  Now, we didn't spend enough time in Asia so I don't have a full spectrum on where you should or should not go - but I think these three locations are amazing recommendations:

  1. Koh Phi Phi, Thailand
  2. Pushkar, India
  3. Ubud, Indonesia

All three of these places are very different from one another, but I think they deserve a place on everyone's travel bucket list.  It all depends what you travel for, what do you seek out when you set out on a trip, we all have such different expectations behind what a beautiful destination is - nonetheless do plenty of solid research before visiting places like Indonesia and India.  If those images above excite you... your certain to love Asia and Southeast Asia ~thanks for reading, be sure to click the links next to each country list above for more personal encounter with each place via our travel experience - if you have any questions/reactions pls leave us a comment in the section below!  Thank you for following, we'll ~meet you there

Francis H. Spontelli III

I am a freelance photographer and blogger based out of Denver, Colorado.  I enjoy exploring the Rocky Mountains, hiking, backpacking and being outside.  Let’s work together! 


Monday's Memorable Moment - Riding a night-train in India (traveling from Pushkar to Agra)


Exploring California - Back in the states and San Francisco's warm welcome